FCPX特效 Creative Borders – PremiumVFX | Final Cut Pro X Plugins

PremiumVFX – Creative Borders

Product Compatible with Apple Silicon M1 M2 and Intel Processors

This plugin requires Final Cut Pro 10.6 and Mac OS 12 and above


This plugin offers 50 stunning, professionally animated vignettes, adding emotion and style to your timelines.

Experience the versatility of Creative Borders in action in this tutorial.

I’ve used various presets on my footage, showcasing how each template enhances the narrative and visual appeal.

Adjust animations, colors, and effects like Drop Shadow, Glow, Noise, and more to create your desired look.

Whether you’re looking to add a subtle touch or a full-screen graphic, Creative Borders saves you time and effort, making your editing process more efficient and creative.

Check out the Content Preview Video (linked above) for a comprehensive view of what Creative Borders offers.






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