FCPX特效 ProTrails Volume 2 – Pixel Film Studios M1 绚丽粒子跟踪路径

Product Compatible with Apple Silicon M1

This plugin requires Final Cut Pro 10.4 and Mac OS 10.13.6

PROTRAILS Vol.2 lets the users now have the ability to add custom particle trails to their footage all with in Final Cut Pro X. Adjust the particle trail, light source, glow, speed, scale and birth and death, spin speed, and more. With PROTRAILS particle trail effects your footage will never look the same again.

Generated Composites with ProTrails: Volume 2 in Final Cut Pro X


Professional - Generated Composites for Final Cut Pro X


With PROTRAILS Vol.2 users now have the ability to add particle trails on top of their footage. With the PROTRIALS Vol.2 presets users can add smoke, magic, pixie dust, and more. With over 70 presets to choose from PROTRAILS Vol.2 gives the user flexibility and customization to create the particle trail that best fits their footage all with in Final Cut Pro X with a click of a mouse.


Professional - Generated Composites for Final Cut Pro X


With over 70 presets to choose from PROTRAILS Vol.2 offers a wide range of fully customizable particle trail effects. Users have the ability to choose from either custom paths, spiral paths, wavy paths, and wavy spiral paths. Each preset is individually designed with the user in mind, giving the user control over each particle trail’s tip and trail. Users have the ability to customize their particle’s trail, light source, scale randomness, spin, particle count, life, opacity over life, and much more. With so much customization the possibilities are truly endless.


Professional - Generated Composites for Final Cut Pro X


With PROTRAILS Vol.2 users have the ability to alter the camera’s position, rotation, camera scale, and angle of view. With the new custom path presets users now have the ability to have each particle trail ride along side or on top of an object with in their footage. Presets vary with effect controls over wiggle, spiral, and more. Users have the ability to rotate each preset with in three-dimensional space and find what looks best for their footage or style all with in Final Cut Pro X.


Professional - Generated Composites for Final Cut Pro X


With PROTRAILS Vol.2 on-screen controls users have the ability to customize their light trail path within the custom path preset category. Users can now have their particle path follow their subject with a click of a mouse. Users have the ability to rotate and position each custom path within three diminutional space all with in Final Cut Pro X.


Professional - Generated Composites for Final Cut Pro X


PROTRAILS Vol.2 was professionally designed to work seamlessly inside of Final Cut Pro X. As a FCPX title, each PROTRAILS Vol.2 preset can be dragged and dropped onto the users footage. With the published parameters found in the FCPX inspector, users have to ability to make adjustments and create their very own particle trail. Users can easily find their very own look with just a few clicks of a mouse.



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